Balozi Co-operative Savings and Credit Society Ltd is a leading SACCO for embassies, their affiliate agencies in Kenya and other organizations.

A brief Introduction Video

Balozi was founded and registered on 14th July 1975 with the then Ministry of Co-operative Development (now known as Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Co-operatives)  under the Co-operative Society Act. In July 2021, Balozi was among the first 25 non-withdrawable deposit taking SACCOs to be issued with a regulation license by the SACCO Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) as per the government's directive.

Balozi SACCO draws its membership from the following: US Embassy, USAID, US Peace Corps, KEMRI and its affiliates (WRP, CDC, Usamru-K) Canadian Embassy, B.B.C., Chemonics, D.A.I., Israel Embassy, KK Security, Land O'Lakes Inc, H.J.F., G.I.S., Ampath Plus, VIBRI, Washington State University, Affiliates, ABT Associates Inc, Spouses and children (of current members).

Receipt of savings as share capital and deposits as well as disbursing loans to our members remain the Society's principal activities.

Our motto
Invest in secure hands

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Core Functions
The following have been the core functions of Balozi SACCO:
i. Mobilization of savings from members: Mobilisation of savings has remained one of the key functions of Balozi since its inception. As at 31st December 2023, members' deposits were Ksh. 3.8 billion while the Share Capital was Ksh. 237 million.
ii. Giving loans to members: Giving loans to its members has been the other key function for Balozi - these consist of Normal, Boresha, Emergency, School Fees, Quick Pesa, Okoa Advance and M-Cash loans. The total amount of credit as at 31st December 2023 was Ksh. 4.7 billion.
iii. Undertaking investments: Balozi has made Investments in the form of ordinary shares in Co-operative Bank Ltd, KUSCCO and CIC.
iv. Providing education, training and information to members and staff: The Society identifies and avails education, information and training to its members and staff.



Latest News

Quick Pesa Loan

Quick Pesa Loan

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Review of SACCO products

Review of SACCO products

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Balozi M-banking services

Balozi M-banking services

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Contact Us

Location: Golf View Suites, 3rd Floor, Muthaiga
along Wambui road, off Kiambu/Thika road
Postal address: P.O. Box 11539-00400, Nairobi.
Tel:  +254 (020) 2211600
Cell: +254 (0) 720 833326 / 733 967707



Copyright 2024 : Balozi Co-operative Savings & Credit Society Ltd